Everyone loves flatbreads, right? They are so versatile and delicious. You can use them for wraps, sandwiches, or just dip them in some hummus. But making flatbreads from scratch can be a hassle. You need a bunch of ingredients and a fair bit of time. Not this one, this amazing recipe uses only2 ingredients (and salt 😊).
Mix yoghurt and flour in a bowl until no more mixing is possible.
Knead the mixture in the bowl to incorporate remaining flour.
Cover and rest for an hour. Every 15 minutes give the dough quick fold to develop the gluten. Alternatively, knead for 5 minutes if you don't want to wait.
Divide the dough into 6 portions (75g each) for wraps or 4 portions (110g each) for thicker flatbreads.
Lightly flour your work surface and roll out the dough into circles.
Cook each side in a dry, heavy-bottomed pan on medium-high heat for about a minute.
Place cooked flatbreads on a plate covered with a clean, dry tea towel to keep them moist.